About iFest 2020

IILM Lodhi Road, a reputed B-School in the heart of national capital is back with its annual festival iFest 2020 on 6th March 2020! At IILM we believe in unleashing the academic and creative talent of our student community and providing a window for students to explore potential.
iFest 2020 aims at creating an ambience and platform for new ideas to flourish, fresh talents to emerge and, enhance engagement with industry for the budding entrepreneurs of tomorrow.
The event will witness Inter-Institutional Competition, International Food Fiesta and plethora of events such as Ad Mad Show, Business Idea Plan Presentation, Theme based Photography Competition, The Best Manager, Branding Mantras, Dance, Music and Battle of Bands. To infuse excitement and enthusiasm there will be abundance of fun filled activities like Paint Ball, Body Zorbing, Pressure Rocket and Race Against Time. The mood of the event will be full of energy, laughter and positivity boosted by the hilarious Stand-up Comedy .

About Vivekananda Memorial Debate 2020


IILM, Lodhi Road Campus is organizing Eighteenth Annual Vivekananda Memorial Debate Competition as part of the Institute’s Business Management Fest, iFest 2020. VMD is one of India’s most respected and sought after debating grounds providing platform for cross pollination of ideas and views related not only to management and the economy but also to burning socio-political issues. More than thirty teams from across the country compete for the VMD Trophy every year. Over the last few years, VMD has seen teams from IIMs, FMS, XLRI, Hindu, St Stephens, SRCC, LSR, and many more, winning the coveted trophy.
Please send an e-mail at vmd.sansad@iilm.edu for further details.


Adeer Ashiq

+ 91 9971507884



+91 9971023070


Swaraj Kulshreshtha

+91 7011097374


About IILM

IILM's journey towards an integrated and responsible learning in management started in 1993, under the aegis of the Ram Krishan & Sons Charitable Trust. After 25+ years of its inception, IILM has been delivering superior quality education consistently and incessantly. It is this unique heritage spanning decades of excellence in higher education that sets us apart from other educational institutes. The IILM ethos is focused on identifying and nurturing the next generation of thought leaders through intuitive education and experimental learning.

Events Details

S.No Events 1st prizes worth 2nd prizes worth
1. Shutter Bugs (Theme based Photography Competition) Rs.2000/- Rs.1000/-
2. What's your Sustainability Quotient? (Sustainability Quiz) Rs.3000/- Rs.2000/-
3. Branding Mantra Rs.3000/- Rs.2000/-
4. Master Chef (Flame less Healthy Cooking) Rs.6000/- Rs.4000/-
5. Ad Mad Show (Advertisement Making Competition) Rs.6000/- Rs.4000/-
6. Shark Tank (Business Plan Presentation) Rs.6000/- Rs.4000/-
7. Best out of Waste Rs.3000/- Rs.2000/-
8. Slogan Making Rs.3000/- Rs.2000/-
9. Being Eloquent (Extempore) Rs.3000/- Rs.2000/-
10 ABCD (Group Dance) Rs.6000/- Rs.4000/-
11 NachBaliye (Duet Dance) Rs.3000/- Rs.2000/-
12 Indian Idol (Solo Singing) Rs.3000/- Rs.2000/-
13 FUZON (Battle of Bands) Rs.6000/- Rs.4000/-
14 Best Manger Competition Rs6000/- Rs.4000/-

*It is imperative for each participant to register themself. In case of group participation, if all participants of a College/Institute’s Team are not registered, then that Team will not be considered participating in the Fest

Introduction: "Shutter Bugs" is a 'Creative Competition' for young artists to showcase their creativity. With the right camera equipment, you can even photograph wavelengths of light invisible to the human eye, including UV, infrared, and radio.


  1. The contest is open for online submissions only, through the contest page mentioned.
  2. Submissions will not be accepted once the deadline lapses.
  3. Photos submitted must be at least 640 pixels on the shorter side, and no more than 2000 pixels on the longer side. Images should be no larger than 2MB. Photos must be in JPEG format.
  4. There would be only one entry per contest.
  5. It is required to have a theme, unique title & description for each image submitted.
  6. The photographic entry must be your own work. The use of third-party imagery such as stock photography is prohibited. Entries that have been plagiarised, either knowingly or subconsciously, may be disqualified. All winning entrants must be able, if requested, to supply proof of origin of each element used to create the final image. Failure to provide such proof may result in disqualification.
  7. All submitted photos must contain the original EXIF metadata information. However, there must be no border(s), logo(s), copyright marks, identifying marks, or any other visible references and/or marks on the image.
  8. Basic editing, including colour enhancement, the use of filters, and cropping of the Photo(s) is acceptable, provided any such editing does not affect the authenticity and/or genuineness of the Photo(s).
  9. Advanced editing used to create illusions, deceptions and/or manipulations, and the adding and removing of significant elements within the frame is prohibited.
  10. Photos that portray or otherwise include inappropriate and/or offensive content, including provocative nudity, violence, human rights and/or environmental violation, and/or any other contents deemed to be contrary to the law, religious, cultural & moral traditions and practices of India, are strictly prohibited and will be immediately discarded.
  11. A participant who submits any such photos may be permanently banned, subject to Better Photography’s discretion, from participating in any future contests.
  12. This is a digital photo contest. Prints will not be accepted.

Prize Money:

1st PRIZES WORTH Rs. 2,000/-

2nd PRIZES WORTH Rs. 1,000/-

Student Coordinators

ShouryaDayal, Ph. 8383001588, Email: shourya.dayal.pgdm21@iilm.edu

Shatabdi, Ph. 9971023070, Email: shatabdi.pgdm21@iilm.edu

For Registrations

Fill up the Registration Form

"What's your Sustainability Quotient?" (Sustainability Quiz)

Introduction: The Sustainability Quiz is in the form of multiple-choice questions which strengthen the knowledge of aspirants. Sustainability of the environment is extremely essential to conserve the natural resources available at present.


  1. A team comprises of maximum 2 members.
  2. Use of mobile phones is prohibited.
  3. Negative marking for any disobedience of rules.
  4. The decision of the judge is final and abiding.
  5. The rounds are:
    Preliminary Round
    1. Each team will be asked 4 questions of 5 marks each. They will be given 30 seconds to answer each question.
    2. If the allotted team is unable to answer the question, then the question will be passed on to the subsequent teams.
    3. Subsequent teams will be given 20 seconds to answer & will be awarded 5 marks for each correct answer.

    Final Round
    1. There will be 8 questions in this round. Team pressing the buzzer first will be given the chance to answer.
    2. 15 marks will be awarded for each correct answer & 5 marks will be deducted for each incorrect answer.
    3. Team will be given 60 seconds for each question.
    4. If there is a tie in the scores of final rounds, then a rapid-fire quiz will be conducted in which 3 questions will be asked.

Prize Money:

1st PRIZES WORTH Rs 3,000/-

2nd PRIZES WORTH Rs. 2,000/-

Student Coordinators:

Rishabh Chandok, Ph. 7006139750, Email: rishabh.chandok.pgdm21@iilm.edu

Karishma Puri, Ph. 8130734706, Email: karishma.puri.pgdm21@iilm.edu

Anisha Kalra, Ph. 9711066051, Email: anisha.kalra.pgdm21@iilm.edu

For Registrations:

Fill up the Registration Form

"Branding Mantras"

Introduction: The final brand positioning building block is the brand mantra, which some refer to as the brand essence and others call a brand promise.
A brand mantra is short (usually 2–5 words maximum) and encapsulates the competitive frame of reference, the points of difference, the points of parity, and everything else about your brand into one thought.


  1. A team comprises of maximum 2 members.
  2. Negative marking for any disobedience of rules.
  3. The decision of the judge is final and abiding.
  4. The rounds are:
    Round 1: Logo Quiz
    1. Logos will be shown, and teams would be marked basis the correct answer.

    Round 2: Tag Line Quiz
    1. Tag Lines of some brands will be displayed wherein the brand needs to be guessed by the teams.

    Round 3: Guess the Brand Ambassador

Prize Money :

1st PRIZES WORTH Rs. 3,000/-

2nd PRIZES WORTH Rs. 2,000/-

Student Coordinators :

Archit Gupta (BBA Year 2018-21), Ph. 8826111292, Email: archit.gupta.sbs21@iilm.edu

Amal A S (BBA 2018-21), Ph. 8281068888, Email: amal.as.sbs21@iilm.edu

For Registrations:

Fill up the Registration Form

"Master Chef" (Flameless Cooking)

Introduction: Food is life, cooking is fun. Combine the two and you’re sure to discover that it is very easy to prepare a meal for oneself.


  1. Each participating team should have a minimum of 3 members and a maximum of 5 members.
  2. Participants will have toarrange by themselves the required ingredients, utensils, cutlery and chopped fruits/vegetables.
  3. Two items to be prepared to complete a meal which must be named or given a theme:
    1. Mocktail/ Shake
    2. Salad
  4. Each group will get 30 minutes for preparation.
  5. Each team should list out the health benefits of the meal prepared.
  6. Marks will be deducted for exceeding the time limit.
  7. Decision of the jury will be final and binding.

Prize Money:

1st PRIZES WORTH Rs. 6,000/-

2nd PRIZES WORTH Rs. 4,000/-

Student Coordinators:

Manya Kaur, Ph. 9599558697 Email: manya.kaur.sbs22@iilm.edu

Sarah Wasim, Ph 9818625723, Email: sarah.wasim.sbs22@iilm.edu

For Registrations:

Fill up the Registration Form

"Ad Mad Show" (Advertisement Making Competition)

Introduction: AD MAD Show is an 'Advertisement Making Competition' for budding artists to showcase their creativity in Marketing products and services. Its objective is to acquaint the students about promotional strategies in marketing through advertisements. It comprises of humorous & conceptual ad presentation by the students. Students will act out on various advertisement script and ideas relevant for different sectors including FMCG products, services industry, automobiles, social awareness etc.



A team comprises of maximum 5 members. The teams will be judged on following criterion -

  1. Advertisement’s content – How humorous it is.
  2. Expressions.
  3. The presenter’s fluency.

Keep Thinking Marketing

  1. The topics for the Ad Mad Show will be given on the spot.
  2. Each Team will have 15 minutes for the preparation.
  3. Each Team can bring their own props and music CD.
  4. Maximum Time limit for performing the Ad is 5 minutes.
  5. The ad prepared by the contestant must not contain any obscene words/any subject that hurts the feelings of a culture/language/religion/region.
  6. Negative marking for any disobedience of rules.
  7. The decision of the judge is final and abiding.

Prize Money:

1st PRIZES WORTH Rs. 6,000/-

2nd PRIZES WORTH Rs. 4,000/-

Student Coordinators:

Shivam Gupta (BBA Year 2018-21), Ph. 8800594452, Email:shivam.gupta.sbs21@iilm.edu

Himanshu Gupta (BBA 2018-21), Ph. 8146287852, Email: himanshu.gupta.sbs21@iilm.edu

For Registrations:

Fill up the Registration Form

"Shark Tank" (Business Plan Competition)

Introduction: A business plan is a guide or roadmap for a business that outlines goals as well as provides details on how you plan to achieve those goals. You are required to think of a business idea and prepare a business plan which covers the following:

Proposed Product/Service

  1. Describe the product/service and its value proposition and features

Customer/Target Market

  1. What market needs does the product/service address?
  2. Who is the target customer?
  3. What is the estimated size and value of market (current and projected)?

Competitive Landscape

  1. Provide an overview of the competitive landscape.
  2. Describe the intellectual property associated with the business.
  3. What are your competitive strengths?
  4. Describe your competitors' strengths and weaknesses.
  5. What are the barriers to entry?

Plan for Execution

  1. What is the current status of the business (i.e. proof of concept, design, prototype, etc.)?
  2. What amount of seed funding is required and how will funds be used?
  3. Provide 3-year financial projections.
  4. Outline milestones for the next 6-12 months.
  5. Provide background information on the founding team.
  6. Describe any risks/challenges inherent in the proposed plan.
  7. How do you intend to mitigate these risks and meet these challenges?

Revenue Model

  1. How does the company plan to generate revenue?

A Concept Note describing the business idea in about 40-60 words to be sent to the email address daisy.mathur@iilm.edu by date 29th Feb 2020. The subject of the e-mail should be BPLAN. Based on the concept note, you would be selected to come to IILM for the competition with a detailed MS PowerPoint presentation.


  1. A team of 4-5 members needs to present their Business Plan to Panellists/Entrepreneurs from the Industry. Team size can be Minimum 2 and Maximum 5 individuals.
  2. The team is expected to come with a softcopy of a MS PowerPoint presentation covering the points listed above.
  3. Each team will get 10 min to present.
  4. Each team can submit only one entry. Multiple entries from a team are not permissible.
  5. A team can only have members from the same college
  6. No entrant can be a part of more than one team. The judgment of the panel will be final and binding.
  7. All participants are required to carry a valid college/institution photo ID to the venue without which participation will not be allowed.
  8. All B-Plans to be original. Any references should be clearly cited.
  9. The organizers reserve the right to make any changes to the event, format, date, rules and any matter related to this event, at any time before or during the event.

Prize Money:

1st PRIZES WORTH Rs 6,000/-

2nd PRIZES WORTH Rs 4,000/-

Student Coordinators:

Charchit Pahwa: Ph. 8585971474, Email: charchit.pahwa.sbs22@iilm.edu

Raghav Hurria : Ph. 8588850007, Email: raghav.hurria.sbs22@iilm.edu

For Registrations:

Fill up the Registration Form

"Best out of Waste" (Poster Making Competition)

Introduction: Poster making competition is aimed at bringing out the artist in you and also giving an effective message through the poster. The guidelines for the competition are given below.


  1. Time limit for the competition is 1.5 hours.
  2. Only 2 participants per college are allowed.
  3. Drawing / painting must be on paper of A3 size will be provided by iFest team.
  4. Acceptable tools of drawing / painting include pencil, crayon, water color, oil paint, must be brought by the participants.
  5. Photographs, wires, and other 3D objects are not acceptable. The completed artwork must be on a flat piece of paper.
  6. The drawing / painting must not represent any particular individual, organization, or brand name and must not depict any religious theme.
  7. The theme would be based on "Best out of Waste", topic will be given prior to the event.
  8. No text (including theme title, name, etc.) should be written on the front of the poster.

Prize Money:

1st PRIZES WORTH Rs 3,000/-

2nd PRIZES WORTH Rs 2,000/-

Student Coordinators:

Rishabh Singh (PGDM Year 1), Ph. 8377945334, Email:rishabh.singh.pgdm21@iilm.edu

Kunal Prajapati (PGDM Year 1), Ph. 9990455913, Email: kunal.pgdm21@iilm.edu

For Registrations:

Fill up the Registration Form

"Slogan Writing Competition"

Introduction: Slogan writing competition is aimed at making an impact through an effective slogan. The guidelines for the competition are given below.


  1. Time limit for the competition is 1 hour.
  2. Only 2 participants per college are allowed.
  3. The slogan must be on paper of A4 size will be provided by iFest team.
  4. Acceptable tools of writing the slogan include pencil and pen.
  5. Photographs, wires, and other 3D objects are not acceptable.
  6. The slogan must not represent any particular individual, organization, or brand name and must not depict any religious theme.
  7. The theme would be based on "Sustainability and Us", topic will be given prior to the event.
  8. The slogan should not be more than 12 words.

Prize Money:

1st PRIZES WORTH Rs 3,000/-

2nd PRIZES WORTH Rs 2,000/-

Student Coordinators:

Shashwat Sharma (PGDM Year 1), Ph. 7004540021, Email: shashwat.sharma.pgdm21@iilm.edu

BhaskarMadhura (PGDM Year 1), Ph. 9711933899 Email: bhaskar.madhura.pgdm21@iilm.edu

For Registrations:

Fill up the Registration Form

"Being Eloquent" (Extempore)

Introduction: An extempore speech is an impromptu speech in which the candidate is required to make on a topic given there and then. No prior preparation is permissible. Idea Generation: The biggest challenge in an extempore speech is to come out with a quick sequence of ideas.


  1. It's an individual event.
  2. The time of preparation would be of 3 minutes and Impromptu Speech would be of 2 minutes.
  3. Use of speech notes is prohibited however cue and palm cards are permitted and their use should be unobtrusive and should not affect the speaker’s visual engagement with the audience.
  4. Judging criteria
    1. Approach/Departure
    2. Appearance
    3. Poise/ Self-confidence
    4. Voice projection/inflection
    5. Diction/Enunciation
    6. Facial Expressions
    7. Gestures
    8. Eye Contact
    9. Enthusiasm
    10. Persuasiveness
    11. Ideas Clearly Presented
    12. Worthwhile Message

Negative marking for any disobedience of rules. The decision of the judge is final and abiding.

Prize Money:

1st PRIZES WORTH Rs 3,000/-

2nd PRIZES WORTH Rs 2,000/-

Student Coordinators:

Shashwat(PGDM), Ph. 8800594452, Email: archit.gupta.sbs21@iilm.edu

Vaibhav Desai(PGDM) vaibhav.desai.pgdm21@iilm.edu

For Registrations:

Fill up the Registration Form

"ABCD" (Group Dance)

Introduction: Anybody can dance is the group dancing competition in which dance teams will rhythmically and energetically compete against each other.


  1. On Stage Dance Duration: Minimum-4 minutes, Maximum-10 minutes
  2. There is no theme for group and couple dance.
  3. The music should be shared with the event coordinator.
  4. The participants should carry their music tracks (mp3) on their phones/pen drives/email.
  5. The costumes should be subtle and comfortable.
  6. The participants can carry their own props (except liquids, sharp objects, chemicals or any other object that can harm the co-participants or damage the institute’s property) and the same should be approved by the event coordinator.
  7. The dance and music should not be offensive / patriotic / intimate in nature.
  8. Marks will be deducted for exceeding the time limit.
  9. Decision of the jury will be final and binding.

Prize Money:

1st PRIZES WORTH Rs 6,000/-

2nd PRIZES WORTH Rs 4,000/-

Student Coordinators:

Smriti Garodia, Ph. 8447165897, Email: smriti.garodia.pgdm21@iilm.edu

Aanchal Chozzer, Ph. 9999695565, Email: aanchal.chozzer.pgdm21@iilm.edu

For Registrations:

Fill up the Registration Form

"NachBaliye" (Partner Dance)

Introduction: This is a dance whose basic choreography involves coordinated dancing of two partners, as opposed to individuals dancing alone or individually in a non-coordinated manner, and as opposed to groups of people dancing simultaneously in a coordinated manner.


  1. The music should be shared with the event coordinator.
  2. The participants should carry their music tracks(mp3) on their phones/pen drives/email.
  3. The costumes should be subtle and comfortable.
  4. The participants can carry their own props (except liquids, sharp objects, chemicals or any other object that can harm the co-participants or damage the institute’s property) and the same should be approved by the event coordinator.
  5. The dance and music should not be offensive / patriotic / intimate in nature.
  6. Marks will be deducted for exceeding the time limit.
  7. Decision of the jury will be final and binding.

Prize Money:

1st PRIZES WORTH Rs 3,000/-

2nd PRIZES WORTH Rs 2,000/-

Student Coordinators:

Swaraj Kulshrestha, Ph. 7011097374, Email: swaraj.kulshrestha.pgdm21@iilm.edu

For Registrations:

Fill up the Registration Form

"Indian Idol" (Solo Singing)

Introduction: Indian Idol is the solo singing competition in which every individual participant will be provided a platform to showcase their singing talent,be it of any genre/language and compete for exiting prize money.


  1. Maximum duration of performance is 4 minutes.
  2. Choice of song / medley should be shared at the time of registration
  3. Participants are free to choose songs of any language/genre except patriotic.
  4. Accompanying Instrumentalist and use of Electric tanpura is allowed.
  5. Use of backing tracks is prohibited.
  6. Decision of the jury will be final and binding.

Prize Money:

1st PRIZES WORTH Rs 3,000/-

2nd PRIZES WORTH Rs 2,000/-

Student Coordinators:

Divanshi Bhola, Ph. 8376998808, Email: divanshi.bhola.pgdm21@iilm.edu

Ayushi Goel, Ph. 9013673977, Email: ayushi.goel.pgdm21@iilm.edu

For Registrations:

Fill up the Registration Form

"FUZON" (Battle of Bands)

Introduction: Battle of the Bands is a contest in which two or more bands compete for the title of "best band".


  1. Each participating band should have a minimum of 4 members and a maximum of 7 members.
  2. On stage performance duration: 10 minutes exceeding the limit will lead to disqualification.
  3. There is no theme. Participating bands are to choose songs of any language/genre except patriotic. Lyrics should not be offensive
  4. Participating band should arrange their instruments and leads. Only two microphones will be provided by the institution.
  5. Pre-recorded beats and loops will not be allowed to use during the performance.
  6. Participating band should report to the event coordinator at least 1 hour before the commencement of competition.
  7. Music on mobile phones will not be accepted.
  8. Marks will be deducted for exceeding the time limit.
  9. Decision of the jury will be final and binding.

Prize Money:

1st PRIZES WORTH Rs 6,000/-

2nd PRIZES WORTH Rs 4,000/-

Student Coordinators:

Swaraj Kulshrestha, Ph. 7011097374, Email: swaraj.kulshrestha.pgdm21@iilm.edu

Siddharth Jain, Ph. 9899639479, Email: siddharth.jain.sbs21@iilm.edu

Abhishek Mehta, Ph. 9811940481, Email: abhishek.mehta.sbs22@iilm.edu

Kabir Baweja, Ph. 9717822680 Email: kabir.baweja.sbs22@iilm.edu

For Registrations:

Fill up the Registration Form

"Best Manager Competition"

Introduction: The event aims to identify the student with the traits of a good manager. It also aims to find out how he demonstrates the skills, knowledge and talents of a good manager. It further tests him on how he uses the strategies to solve the problems. Conditions/Rules for participants


  1. Number of participants for the event will be 1 per college.
  2. The Best Manager will be carried in 4 different rounds.
  3. Dress code: formals.
  4. Use of mobile phones is prohibited.
  5. Negative marking for any disobedience of rules.
  6. The decision of the judge is final and abiding.
  7. The rounds are:

    Aptitude Test

    1. It will be conducted simultaneously for all the participants. Duration: 15 minutes. Basic mathematical concepts will be tested.

    Situation Analysis

    1. Different situations will be given to selected candidates. In everysituation, participants will be tested on individual level regarding their thought process, analysing ability as well as stress management.

    Sales Pitch

    1. In this round, the candidateswill sell the product given on the spot and best seller will be the winner of this round.


    1. This is the final round and in this round the candidate will be tested on the basis of salary negotiations, job location and timings.

Prize Money:

1st PRIZES WORTH Rs 6,000/-

2nd PRIZES WORTH Rs 4,000/-

Student Coordinators:

Shourya Dalal, Ph. 8383001588, Email: shourya.dayal.pgdm21@iilm.edu

Winnie Ranjan, Ph. 9475024553, Email: winnie.ranjan.pgdm21@iilm.edu

For Registrations:

Fill up the Registration Form

We look forward to your participation