Books: The Library has a highly selective collection of over 23,876 books in the area of management, Liberal Arts, Law, Design, Fashion Technology and related subjects.
Journals: The Library subscribes to 49 print journals specific to the academic and research needs of the IILM community. Besides, there are over 25,000 e-journals available in full-text through the online databases subscribed by the library.
Audio & Video Cassettes: Around 204 educational videos cassettes are available for consultation in the library.
CD-ROMs: The collection includes CD’s on statistical data, encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc.
Other Resources: The library also holds a collection of Thesis, Dissertations, case studies, working papers, annual reports of companies, etc., in the area of management Liberal Arts, Law, Design & Fashion Technology and related subjects.
E-Resources: The electronic library includes databases such as Ebsco Elite, CMIE-ProwessIQ, JSTOR, Manupatra, LexisNexis, IIMA Cases, DrillBit (Anti Plagiarism Software), ShodhGanga, ShodhSindhu, National Digital Library of India.