All members are required to deposit their personal belonging at the property counter at their own risk. The library is not responsible for any loss or damage to the same. Taking a briefcase or bag inside the library is strictly forbidden.
Library resources such as books, journals, and electronic materials, etc. are costly and are often rare. They are for the benefit of not only the present but also for the future members of the library. Therefore, one should not write upon, damage, turn down the leaves or mark on any library materials. Tracing or copying of any is prohibited by copyright policy and users shall be solely responsible for any violations. Before leaving the issue counter, member should satisfy themselves as to whether the library material lent to them is in sound condition. If not , they should immediately bring the matter to the knowledge of the library staff at the issue counter; otherwise, they are liable to be held responsible for replacing the material or paying such compensation as fixed by the librarian.
General Instructions:
Use of mobile phones inside the library is strictly prohibited.
Smoking is prohibited in and around the library.
No refreshments or foodstuff of any kind shall be consumed anywhere inside the library.
Keeping in mind that the library is a place of individual & Calm study and research, members should maintain an atmosphere of dignity, peace and silence within the library premises.
Suggestions for purchasing books and other materials and improving the library services are welcome.
Members should keep the library informed of any change of address and contact details during the period of their membership.
The librarian has the power to cancel the tickets and refuse admission to anyone who violates the rules and regulations of the library or indulges in any other type of misconduct.
Members should return all materials borrowed from the library before proceeding on any kind of long leave. Any member going out of the campus for more than a fortnight will ensure that the library has access to the books loaned to him/her. Members on deputation or study leave going out of Gurugram should return all borrowed materials.
Members should not sub lend the materials borrowed from the library.
Materials that are issued should be produced for the security check on exit.
Library materials should be handled with utmost care. Nobody should write, damage and make any mark on any kind of library materials.
Borrower’s membership card being the library property, must be returned to the library at the end of the period of issue. All those who leave the University must surrender their membership card to the library, and obtain a “Clearance” certificate from the Librarian, in order to ensure that they owe no dues to the library.