A life of significance – Leading Responsibly
The way forward for a sustainable and inclusive world
“You have been living a life of success. Now live a life of significance.”
– Naveen Jain
IILM Institute for Higher Education, IILM Institute for Business and Management and IILM Graduate School of Management share a common vision to be leaders in value based management education and are deeply committed to Responsible Management (as a Champion Business School of the UN Global Compact led PRME – Principles for Responsible Management Education). It is our endeavour to celebrate and spread the need for responsible and compassionate humans for a better, sustainable and inclusive world. We are attempting to do this by encouraging research initiatives to document / identify such individuals and businesses across the globe who strive to make a meaningful impact on the lives of others.
In line with this endeavor, IILM is happy to announce the launch of the IILM PRME Research/Case study Awards in Responsible Management, 2017. The title for the IILM PRME Research Awards would be “A Life of Significance – Leading Responsibly – The Way Forward for a Sustainable and Inclusive World”. IILM is inviting Research Papers/Case Studies about individuals or companies who have made a difference by being socially responsible.
Award for the Best Case Study
The best case study will be awarded US$ 3000 and the winning author will be sponsored by IILM to visit India/Delhi and present the Case Study during the 4th IILM International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation: Key Drivers of Responsible Management which is scheduled to be held from 9-11, February 2017.
Award for the Best Research Paper
The best research paper will similarly be awarded with a sum of US$ 3000 and the winning author will be sponsored by IILM to visit India/Delhi and present the Research Paper at the same International Conference.
Submission Guidelines
- An abstract of the Case Study/Research Paper should be made in Microsoft Word format and sent to the email id: LifeOfSignificance@iilm.edu. The last date for submission of the Abstract is 18th November 2016. For any clarifications, please contact the Program Chair, Dr. Saima Rizvi at saima.rizvi@iilminstitute.ac.in.
- Authors cannot submit more than one abstract in each of the two categories.
- All abstracts will be reviewed by a panel of experts. Thereafter, a short list will be prepared. Authors of shortlisted Abstracts will be duly notified by 30th November, 2016.
- Only short-listed Authors will be permitted to submit Final Case Studies/Research Papers.
- Final Case Studies/Research Papers should be submitted not later than 30th December 2016.
- An eminent jury will select the best Case Study and the best Research Paper. The results will be declared by 10th January 2017. The decision of the jury shall be final and binding on all applicants.
Publication Opportunities: All papers/studies selected for presentation will be published in the special issue of Management and Change, the Journal of IILM Institute for Higher Education (http://iilm.edu/m&c/index.html), a double blind peer reviewed journal. The manuscripts will be subjected to a blind review process. The decision of the reviewers would be final and binding for publication in Management and Change.
Important Dates:
Submission of Abstracts : By 18th November 2016.
Acceptance of Abstracts : By 30th November 2016.
Submission of Full Case Studies/Research Papers: By 30th December 2016.
Declaration of Results : 10th January 2017
IILM Fourth International PRME Conference on the Theme: Sustainability and Innovation: Key Drivers of Responsible Management : 9th, 10th and 11th February, 2017.
Author Guidelines for Submission of Abstract and for Full Case Study/ Research Paper
Abstract submission deadline: 18th November 2016
The abstract should cover the background, objectives and scope of the research. The abstract should also highlight the results and implications of the study. The proposed format should be as follows:-
Font: Verdana – 12 pt
Title: 14 pt Bold Line Spacing: 1.5 for main text and single for key references Margins: Top margin 3 cm, bottom margin 2.7 cm; Left and right margins of 2 cm each Authors: List all authors in order, with their first name, last name, affiliation and email – 8pt italics Length of Abstract : Between 800 to 1000 words excluding figures, charts, graphs, illustrations, diagrams, notes, references. Please note : · Work should be purely original, unpublished and not presented at any other conference / seminar or any other forum. · For the full paper, the same formatting may be maintained (as for the abstract) · The word limit for the full paper is maximum 4000 words excluding figures, charts, graphs, illustrations, diagrams, notes, references, annexure or appendix.